Grounding with the 5 Senses

Grounding is a tool to bring you back to the present moment when you feel anxious, or the world around you feels chaotic. The grounding tool below uses the senses to shift your awareness back to what is happening right now, rather than worrying about the past or the future. Try a variety of these tools and find your favourites that you can rely on to calm and center you in times of turbulence. 

To shift your attention to your senses:

Stop what you are doing or thinking. 

Take a few, deep breaths into your belly and bring your attention gently to your body. 

As you engage one of your senses, slow down and observe what your senses are taking in.

Be curious about your experience, and free from judgment.


Buy one beautiful flower, make one space in a room pretty, light a candle and watch the flame, go to a museum with beautiful art, go sit in the lobby of a striking old hotel, immerse yourself in nature, go out at night and watch the stars, look at beautiful pictures in a book, go to a ballet or other performance


Listen to beautiful or soothing music, or invigorating, exciting music, pay attention to the sounds of nature: rain, birds singing, waves, leaves rustling, learn to play an instrument, sing your favourite song, listen to an uplifting podcast or audiobook


Enjoy a good meal, have a soothing drink such as herbal tea or hot chocolate, treat yourself to dessert, put whipped cream on your coffee, sample flavours in an ice cream store, eat one thing mindfully, savour a candy or chocolate, hold ice in your hand or mouth


Take a bubble bath or hot or cold shower, pet your cat or dog, have a massage, soak your feet in warm water, put a cold compress on your forehead, hug someone, put on clothing that feels good against your skin, stand out in the rain, work on a puzzle, use a back scratcher


Use your favourite perfume or lotion, bake cookies, light a scented candle, smell the roses, smell the air after a rain shower, use your favourite soap, shampoo or shower gel, make popcorn, open a package of coffee and smell the aroma

After taking time to ground yourself, when you feel settled, consider how you would like to reenter your day from this calm mindset.


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